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Learning and Repetition- Reprograming

I’ve been in the process of reprograming my subconscious and learning that a lot of the feelings actions that are occurring in my life were a direct result to what was instilled in me coming up into adulthood. Most of my life was centered in upholding certain standards and perceptions of how the world should be and operate. Solely based off of my upbringings. I had the mindset that everyone navigated in the manner that I was raised to be and deserved that same respect My life was rooted within the church and Christianity from the minute I was born. My mom was an evangelist missionary whos sole mission was to save, help heal and bring people closer to Jesus. While doing so she made sure that all of her offspring were lead examples of what it was to be a pure child of God and we abided by that lifestyle.  There was a huge lack of exposure in social settings we were taught that we were the chosen few in this world who lived life according to pure and holy guidelines. We were not to ge...

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